Vorwald 0051181 R/N: 410/66308/4/0600 Centering

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Produktnummer 0051181 R/N: 410/66308/4/0600 Centering
Hersteller Vorwald

Description: 0051181 R/N: 410/66308/4/0600 Centering ( Vorwald )

Vorwald 0051181 R/N: 410/66308/4/0600 Centering

Product Name: Vorwald 0051181 R/N: 410/66308/4/0600 Centering
Product Brand: Vorwald
Product Code: 0051181 R/N: 410/66308/4/0600 Centering
Product Artikel: Vorwald 0051181 R/N: 410/66308/4/0600 Centering
 Simple construction according to the modular design principle + Numerous variants + Heavy reel weights and large torques possible + Expansion ledge retracted by spring system + Short repair times, by virtue of externally accessible expansion ledges + Robust design Available shaft diameters from 50 to 300 mm Special dimensions are possible on inquiry

Produktvorschläge Vorwald