SICK 1018305 Type:MZT1-03VPS-KPX Profile Cylinder

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Produktnummer 1018305
Hersteller SICK

Description: 1018305 ( SICK )

SICK 1018305 Type:MZT1-03VPS-KPX Profile Cylinder

Product Name: SICK 1018305 Type:MZT1-03VPS-KPX Profile Cylinder
Product Brand: SICK
Product Code: 1018305
Product Artikel: SICK 1018305 Type:MZT1-03VPS-KPX Profile Cylinder
FEATURES Cylinder type T-slot Cylinder types with adapter Profile cylinder Tie rod cylinder Dovetail groove cylinder Round body cylinder SMC rail CDQ2 SMC rail ECDQ2 Housing length 30.5 mm Switching output PNP Switching frequency 5,000 Hz Output function NO Electrical wiring DC 3-wire Enclosure rating IP67  1) Special features With 2 label plates 1)  According to EN 60529.

Produktvorschläge SICK