Leonard SWV100-09MNS G 6,5:1 V CEV65M-01460 Rotary Cam Switch

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Produkte die mit A beginnen: info@industrialmaterialcenter.com
Produktnummer SWV100-09MNS G 6,5:1 V CEV65M-01460
Hersteller Leonard

Description: SWV100-09MNS G 6,5:1 V CEV65M-01460 ( Leonard )

Leonard SWV100-09MNS G 6,5:1 V CEV65M-01460 Rotary Cam Switch

Product Name: Leonard SWV100-09MNS G 6,5:1 V CEV65M-01460 Rotary Cam Switch
Product Brand: Leonard
Product Code: SWV100-09MNS G 6,5:1 V CEV65M-01460
Product Artikel: Leonard SWV100-09MNS G 6,5:1 V CEV65M-01460 Rotary Cam Switch
032310509 with 9 mechanic switching elements and one drive with ratio 6,5:1, second side with direct drive, input right side in an sprecial design with 2 additional cable entries M16x1,5 with 1 additiional cable entry M12X1,5 without mounted encoder TR Electronic, CEV58M-01460 with fitting dimensions as follows o10h7x19,5/o36f7/o48,3xM4 same as serial no. 121504055/2/1

Produktvorschläge Leonard