Elmo Rietschle C-DLR 301 Dry Running Claw Compressor

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Produktnummer C-DLR 301
Hersteller Elmo Rietschle

Description: C-DLR 301 ( Elmo Rietschle )

Elmo Rietschle C-DLR 301 Dry Running Claw Compressor

Product Name: Elmo Rietschle C-DLR 301 Dry Running Claw Compressor
Product Brand: Elmo Rietschle
Product Code: C-DLR 301
Product Artikel: Elmo Rietschle C-DLR 301 Dry Running Claw Compressor
Highly efficient, dry and contact-free. Steady performance curve over the entire operating range. Integrated air cooling without additional cooling medium. Low noise level. Available with variable speed drive. ATEX-compliant versions available upon request. Low maintenance. Wide range of applications. Capacity 270 m³/h at 50 Hz. Overpressure at continuous operation goes up to max. 2.0 bar

Produktvorschläge Elmo Rietschle