Dropsa 201257 Pressure switch

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Produktnummer 201257
Hersteller Dropsa

Description: 201257 ( Dropsa )

Dropsa 201257 Pressure switch

Product Name: Dropsa 201257 Pressure switch
Product Brand: Dropsa
Product Code: 201257
Product Artikel: Dropsa 201257 Pressure switch
Microswitch contact rating   up to 5 amps 220V CA (AC)  or .2 amps 220V CC (DC) - Degree of protection            IP55 - Port size(connection):          1/8Inch BSP thread (a 1/8Inch pipe fitting is also available)  - Maximum working pressure  200 bar (2902 psi) - Fixing holes                           two 4.2 mm (.165 in.) diameter holes with 40 mm (1.575 in.)pitch.

Produktvorschläge Dropsa