Dropsa 0675012 Modular Dual Line

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Produktnummer 0675012
Hersteller Dropsa

Description: 0675012 ( Dropsa )

Dropsa 0675012 Modular Dual Line

Product Name: Dropsa 0675012 Modular Dual Line
Product Brand: Dropsa
Product Code: 0675012
Product Artikel: Dropsa 0675012 Modular Dual Line
-Temperature range: -30 to +80°C - Max pressure (inlet): 400bar (5800psi) - Min. Viscosity: 100 cSt ( 462 SSU) - Grease Max: 265 ASTM (NLGI 2) - Connections: - inlet : 3/8Inch BSP or 3/8Inch NPTF                              - outlet: 1/4Inch BSP or 1/4Inch NPTF - Outlets: from 2 to 16

Produktvorschläge Dropsa